Charity event: "Pre-Christmas glass of wine" 2009

On the last weekend before Christmas, the Bonacossa Werner family again invited their friends to their traditional pre-Christmas party. A big contribution to the success of this evening was made by the group "Sound of Gospel" from Frankfurt whom we wish to thank from our hearts for supporting us.

This year, again, a tombola was organized to support a social project. We are very pleased to say that our NGO was selected a second time to present a special concern.
Almost none of the school children we support is able to buy school supplies on their own. It would be of enormous help to them if they could receive scribblers and exercise books so they can follow up and reinforce course work at home.

Thanks to the generosity of all donators, more than enough money was collected for our project and the printer in Nigeria spontaneously offered to support it, too. Thus, 3.000 exercise books have been printed, containing our NGO's logo on their cover and the donators' names on the inner cover. This way, all of the children in the three orphanages have received exercise books for more than two years.